We understand plans change, or life gets in the way, and you no longer need to take your OET Test.
You can cancel your OET Test booking easily in your OET account. We’ve outlined the conditions and fees for you below, for each test type, depending on your location. Please take care when cancelling your OET Test, as it cannot be reversed. Here’s what you need to know:
- You can cancel your OET Test for a refund up to one week before test day. For example, if your test day is Friday, you can cancel up to Saturday at 11:59pm (23:59) the week prior.
- Log into your OET account
- Find the booking you wish to cancel and click Withdraw
OET on Computer at a venue/OET@Home:
- You can cancel your test for a refund up to two days before the test. For example, if your test is at 9am (09:00) on Saturday, you can cancel up to 9am (09:00) on Thursday the week prior.
- Log into your OET account
- On your dashboard, click My Bookings on the left-hand side
- Find the booking you wish to cancel and click Cancel booking
The amount we will refund you reflects our cancellation fees, which vary based on your test type, where you take the test and when to cancel your test.
For OET on Paper at a venue:
If you cancel before bookings close, the cancellation fee is AU$120 (plus the AU$7 non-refundable booking fee).
If you cancel after bookings close, the cancellation fee is AU$200 (plus the AU$7 non-refundable booking fee)
Here’s how much you’ll be refunded for the full OET Test and/or sub-test bookings, depending on when you submit your cancellation:
Cancellations submitted before the closing date:
If you cancel the full OET Test (four sub-tests) before the booking closing date, your refund will be AU$460. If your test contains less than 4 sub-tests, we’ve listed the refunds below:
- 1 sub-test: AU$188
- 2 sub-tests: AU$288
- 3 sub-tests: AU$388
Cancellations submitted after the closing date:
If you cancel the full OET Test (four sub-tests) after the booking closing date (until 23:59 the week before test day), your refund will be AU$380. If your test contains less than 4 sub-tests, we’ve listed the refunds below:
- 1 sub-test: AU$108
- 2 sub-tests: AU$208
- 3 sub-tests: AU$308
OET on Computer at a venue/OET@Home:
- If you cancel before bookings close, the cancellation fee is AU$120 (or US$95 for OET Tests in the USA).
- If you cancel after bookings close, the cancellation fee is AU$200 (or US$155 for OET Tests in the USA).
Here’s how much you’ll be refunded for the full OET Test depending on when you submit your cancellation:
If you cancel the full OET Test (four sub-tests) before the booking closing date, your refund will be AU$460 (or US$355 for OET Tests in the USA).
If you cancel the full OET Test (four sub-tests) after the booking closing date (until two days before test day), your refund will be AU$380 (or US$295 for OET Tests in the USA).
How long does it take to receive my refund?
After you cancel your OET Test booking, the refund (where applicable) will be returned to the original card used to book the test within 7-10 business days. If your credit/debit card has expired before your refund was processed, please contact us.